I’ve been natural bodybuilding for the last 6 years absorbing so much from the industry. One thing I came to notice quickly was how formal and samey samey this industry is, I don’t feel like fitness is a space in which you should have to feel you have to be professional and which you can’t just be yourself. It’s not done in a office with a suit and tie. So making my first steps into the industry I knew I wanted to keep my same authentic self in everything I deliver or output. I’ve used every inch of doubt and hate against me as fuel to become one of the best natural fitness influencers in the world, alongside giving the cult, family and friends I’ve built along the way a platform to become their best self.
This is that platform. I want to assist you in your journey to become your best self by providing a service with dietary, training and life advice to help you get there. Ive learnt so much on my journey to this point I can’t wait to pass this knowledge onto you to fast track you to greatness.